Signposting Kit
for first-aid vehicle on esspressway

Faced with the increasing request of our customers for an efficient signposting in the front and in the back, our firm developped a xenon signposting kit.
 This kitincludes several variants. Those 150 mm round or 85 x 105 mm rectangular traffic lights, or a two optical mixage: rectangular at the front, rounin the back, or the reverse.
Those 6 traffic lights (2 at the front and 4 behind) are feeded by a 65 watts multifonctions with these possibilities:
- Automatic switching of the behind signposting during the handbrake engaging (if lighthead flashers function).
-  double or quadruple flashes programmation.s.
- functioning of behind traffic lights
 Two by two (alterned function)
 Four by four (simultaneous function)
 External lights and internal two fires.
- Fonction Day/Night

Xenon lights - Alterned  or simultaneous functioning 2 or 4 flashes - generator SPS665SPO
Pack of 4 xenon lights with suppots 12/24 volts
Composition : 2 lights SC2X61 of 115 x 85 mm + 4 lights SC2X70 of 150 mm + 1 generator 6 outlets, 4 functions.
Xenon lights - Alterned  or simultaneous functioning 2 or 4 flashes - generator SPS665SPO
Built in model
Pack of 4 built in xenon lights 12/24 volts
  +   +   + 
Composition : 2 lights SC2X61E of 115 x 85 mm + 4 lights SC2X60E of 115 x 85 mm + 1 generator 6 outlets, 4 functions.
This kit (SPO2C2X6) can be integreted in luminous lightbars models.

To see :
Complete kits  (click on the arrow for more informations.) Fréquznces Françaises  Traffics lights separately (click the arrow for more informations) Fréquznces Françaises
12 pages connexes (click on the link) :

Those lights exist also in red (outlet 2) or in transparent (outlet 5) rather than 1 or 0.

For the xenon model, these lights can be associeted with other power generators rather than this proposed in the above kit. For that see « Power Generator » where we present you 5 deifferent models.

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