Before filling out the form, please read the following carefully.

Our website is very successful, and we receive a great number of questions every day, ranging from technical information to prices and orders.

It would be of great help to us if your questions were as precise as possible when asking for information, especially when regarding a certain product or products.  We often receive unclear questions.

Please verify that your name and address are properly written in the spaces provided.

Be ESPECIALLY carefull when typing in your e-mail address.
Your e-mail address is our only link to you.
Our messages are often returned because of wrong e-mail addresses.

We thank you for your understanding, it will help us to respond in a quicker and more efficient manner.

If you haven't had an answer from us within 8 days of sending us your e-mail, do not hesitate to re-contact us, it is probably due to a problem as mentionned above.

Thank you once again for you cooperation!  To continue, please click on the "next" link.

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