Iodine or xenon lighthead
kits list

iodine or xenon blue lighthead for moto or vehicles like POLICE, AMBULANCE, VSAB, VRM, etc.

Caracteristics :
Projectiles protected, polycarbonate iodine or xenon adjustable traffic lights, block of polyamide,  adjustable for bulged models.
5 watts sidelight built in. (not given). Colours blue, orange red, and transparent.

2 dimensions for every model, and exist with iodine or xenon lamps.

We propose complets iodine or xenon pack or separated lights :
(click on the arrow for more informations) Fréquznces Françaises

Iodine lights - Simultaneous functionning (2 lights illumination in the same time) 
pack of 2 iodine lights on support 12 or 24 volts pack of 2 built in 12 or 24 volts iodine lights pack of 2 iodine lights on support 12 or 24 volts pack of 2 built in 12 or 24 volts iodine lights
Bulged light on support
115 x 85 mm
35 watts
Built in light
115 mm x 70 – 
thickness 20 mm - 
35 watts
Bulged light on support
Ø 150 mm x 90 mm
55 Or 70 watts
Bulged light on support
Ø 150 mm x 90 mm - thickness 70 mm
55 Or 70 watts
Composition : 2 lights SC2061 + 1 simultaneous indicator power station Composition : 2 lights SC2061E + 1 simultaneous indicator power station Composition : 2 lights SC2071  + 1 simultaneous indicator power station Composition : 2 lights SC2071E+ 1 simultaneous indicator power station
 Iodine lights - Alterned functionning (alterned illumination of the 2 lights) 
pack of 2 iodine lights on support 12 or 24 volts pack of 2 built in 12 or 24 volts iodine lights pack of 2 iodine lights on support 12 or 24 voltss pack of 2 built in 12 or 24 volts iodine lights
Bulged light on support
115 x 85 mm
35 watts
Built in light
115 mm x 70 – 
thickness 20 mm - 
35 watts
Bulged light on support
Ø 150 mm x 90 mm
55 OR 70 watts
Bulged light on support
Ø 150 mm x 90 mm - thickness 70 mm
55 OR 70 watts
Composition : 2 lights SC2061 + 1 alterned indicator power station Composition : 2 lights SC2061E + 1 alterned indicator power station Composition : 2 lights SC2061 + 1 alterned indicator power station Composition : 2 lights SC2061E + 1 alterned indicator power station
Xenon lights - Alterned functionning 2    or 4    flashes - generator SPS235 
pack of 2 xenon lights on support 12 or 24 volts pack of 2 built in 12 or 24 volts xenon lightsencastrables 12/24 volts pack of 2 xenon lights on support 12 or 24 volts pack of 2 built in 12 or 24 volts xenon lights
Bulged light on support
115 x 85 mm
Built in light
115 mm x 70 – 
thickness 20 mm
Bulged light on support
Ø 150 mm x 90 mm
Bulged light on support
Ø 150 mm x 90 mm - thickness 70 mm
Composition : 2 lights SC2061 + 1 generator 2 outlets, 2 functions. Composition : 2 lights SC2061E + 1 generator 2 outlets, 2 functions. Composition : 2 lights SC2061 + 1 generator 2 outlets, 2 functions. Composition : 2 lights SC2061E + 1 generator 2 outlets, 2 functions.

We created also a pack special for expressroad firstaid vehicles. For more information, click the arrow Fréquznces Françaises
12 connexes pages (Click on the link) :

Those lights exist also in red (outlet 2) or in transparent (outlet 5) rather than 1 or 0.

For the xenon model, these lights can be associeted with other power generators rather than this proposed in the above kit. For that see « Power Generator » where we present
you 5 different models.

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